Reflections on Homeopathy

Today, at the co-op I was looking through homeopathic treatments.  I tried to pull one out and all of them came crashing down in on the ground.  I cleaned them up, purchased the GABA I came for, (An excellent yet controversial anti-anxiety neurotransmitter suplement that blocks nerve impulses and slows neuronal transmission) and on my way home realized some Phosphorus 30 had fallen into my cowboy boot.  Seeing this as a ‘sign from the universe’ as I often do, I decided to take some.  Tonight I find myself completely fascinated by homeopathic constitution types.  I took a quiz on mine, and Phosphorus came up on the top.  I realize how controversial homeopathy is, among most alternative treatments.  I had written it off as pseudoscience, and then I met a woman in Arizona who told me a homeopathic snake venom treatment, Lachesis, had cured her cancer.  I remember the feeling of well-being and balance I had after receiving acupuncture and a personalized bachus flower remedy after visting a naturopathic student clinic.  I’m excited to be opened up to learning more about homeopathy and bachus flower remedies.  My mind feels comparatively still tonight.  The anxiety that has been my constant companion this week has settled and I can finally think clearly.  It also may very well be the GABA finally taking effect.  Things like these truly inspire me to study alternative and natural medicine further.  I’d like to someday help people to heal themselves as I have on my own journey towards wholeness.

A Profile of the Phospherian Constitution, from The British Homeopathic Association:

The constitutional picture of Phosphorus was described by Kent in the 19th century. Many authors have elaborated on this model and added a psychological profile of the Phosphoric type.

The Phosphoric individual is pale, anaemic, with full red lips, thin with a narrow high arched chest: the appearance typical of someone suffering with tuberculosis.

Romantic literature of the 19th century is full of Phosphoric heroines. Dumas’ La Dame aux Camelias is a notable example. Greta Garbo gave a brilliant portrayal of the consumptive heroine, Marguerite Gautier, in the Hollywood film and brought Phosphorus to life for homeopaths.

The constitutional Phosphorus is extrovert, bright, lively, with sparkling eyes and a charismatic nature. One feels invigorated in her company. She is intensely sympathetic and acutely sensitive to mood, atmosphere and all sensory impressions. She is impressionable and clairvoyant. She is imaginative and bubbly, the typical “bright young thing”.

Mia Farrow as Daisy in the film of Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby demonstrates the shadow side of Phosphorus. Daisy is a social butterfly, narcissistic and highly-strung. Although she probably loves Gatsby in her way, self-preservation and self-interest take precedence. Her character is shallow and emotionally immature; she is incapable of the intensity of love that Gatsby feels. In difficult situations, she falls apart, descends into histrionics and demands intense sympathy and support from others. She needs protection from the harsh realities of life. After the drama of Gatsby’s tragic death, Daisy continues her life as though nothing had happened; the ugly events do not fit into her idealistic view of the world. It is as though Gatsby never existed.

Just as with the element there is a darker side to the personality. Being so open, the Phosphorus type is prone to fears, anxieties and the result of a vivid imagination. There is a great fear of the dark, the supernatural, fire, storms, disease and death. The element Phosphorus is unstable; it rapidly turns into the gaseous form when exposed to air. Likewise, the Phosphorus archetype lacks boundaries on every level. The intense sensitivity to “other worlds” and the fears are one expression of this lack of personal boundaries.

This tendency extends on a physical level too. There is a bleeding tendency leading to nosebleeds, bleeding gums, heavy periods, bruising, and clotting disorders, which can result in anaemia.

Just like a match, the Phosphorus personality is prone to burn out. This may be emotional, leading to depression or nervous exhaustion, or physical illness may result. A dose of Phosphorus rapidly restores the spark.

As a tubercular remedy, there is a tendency to upper respiratory complaints: sore throat, hoarseness, bronchitis, asthma and chest infections. The bleeding tendency leads to blood streaked sputum, and the pains are burning in nature. There is a deterioration of the condition as dusk approaches, and the patient becomes fearful, craving company and sympathy.

In expert medical hands Phosphorus may be used to treat serious disease, such as epilepsy, liver conditions, including hepatitis, arthritis and destructive bone diseases. Phosphorus is an immensely important remedy in homeopathy, one of our desert island remedies. It is full of contradictions, as gentle and loving as an affectionate kitten yet as dangerous and destructive as the deadliest of poisons.

 I enjoy homeopathy’s personification of the mineral and its aim to treat the emotional root of the problem.

Aim of religion, method of science….

With phosphorescent smiles,

Lorelei Swank


Wilm-a-gogo Rockabilly Car Show

Dude, why is WordPress only letting me post 4 photos in a gallery?  I mean, this isn’t life or death but there’s a chemistry test I’m seriously trying to procrastinate studying for, so this is of upmost importance to me at this moment in time.

Anyway, these are some photos from the Wilm-a-gogo Car Show from last month.  Joyfully narrowed down to a measly 4 photos.


Edited:  Figger’d it out.  Hu-hu hyuck. :B

Double Edit:  It now appears that a polar bear from outer space appears above each post.  I enjoy and approve of this.